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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-1 | Issue-02
A Study of Natural Sex Expression and Its Variation in Different Popular Indian Archaic Cultivars of Mulberry ( Morus, spp.) in Mysore, Karnataka
Govinda Raju. M.V, Basavaiah , Leelvathi.D, Narendra Kuppan
Published: Feb. 28, 2014 | 247 170
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2014.v01i02.004
Pages: 64-68
Sex expression is phenotypic outcome of genotypic expression in plants. Sex expressions are very distinct in flowering plants and appear in the later part of their life cycle and it forms the key character in selection of plants in any plant breeding experiments. Such Sex expression may not remain the same in all plants even in same genera are even in same species and it varies naturally such study is preliminary study to be conceded in selection of cultivar for any experiment.