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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-1 | Issue-02
The Performance Of Fadama III User Groups Crop Farmers At Mid-Term In Southeast Nigeria
Ugwumba COA, Okechukwu EO, Chidebelu, S.A.N.D
Published: Feb. 28, 2014 | 244 186
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2014.v01i02.006
Pages: 75-82
Investigating the performance of Fadama III User Groups’ (FUGs) crop farmers at mid-term, this study described socio-economic characteristics of the farmers, estimated annual incomes of the farmers before and after joining the project, determined influence of socio-economic characteristics of the farmers on annual incomes before and after joining the project, and identified constraints to effective realization of project objectives. Multistage and random sampling methods were used to select 240 crop farmers. Primary data were collected using well structured and pre-tested questionnaires, scheduled interviews and panel discussions. Descriptive statistics and Ordinary Least Squares multiple regression were adopted for data analyses. Average farm size and distance to market were 0.5ha and 3.4km respectively. Cassava earned the farmers the highest income of N23,500,424.5 before and N70,541,583 after joining the project. An increase in mean annual income of N504,777.58 or 204.80% was realized by the farmers after joining the project, thus making Fadama III project laudable. Distance to market, farm size, extension visits and productive resources significantly influenced income while education, age, availability of special infrastructure, family size, gender and farming experience were not significant. Serious constraints to project were irregular fund disbursement, late release of government cash contribution, demand for users’ cash contribution, non-payment of counterpart fund by the beneficiaries, misconception of the project by benefiting communities, inadequacy of facilitators, and inadequate logistics for extension agents. Introducing the principles of comparative advantage, by providing credit facilities to the farmers in the five States that make up the Southeast, only for the production of those crops in which they have comparative advantage over others should be encouraged. In addition, timely disbursement of funds, payment of counterpart funds, recruitment