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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-1 | Issue-04
Farming Systems in Syria: its Constraints and Strategies for Improvement
Ing. Nazir Hassan, Doc. Ing. Vladimir Krepl CSc.
Published: April 30, 2014 | 255 170
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2014.v01i04.009
Pages: 189-194
Agriculture is one of the main industries in Syria. Agricultural products are very important not only for domestic consumption but also for export. The basic problems of Syrian agriculture are unstable production due to the farming systems practice. Hence, measures have to be put in place to improve farming systems in Syria for sustainable agriculture and overall development of the country, which can only be achieved in an atmosphere of peace among her citizenry. This paper provides a brief background of Agricultural sector and Agricultural zones in Syria, it describes agricultural crises and land utilization/types in Syria, farming systems in Syria, constraints of farming systems in Syria and strategies were given on how to improve farming systems in the country.