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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-1 | Issue-04
Indigenous Breeding and Management Practices of Dairy Animals – A Study On Documentation
Anindita Saha
Published: April 30, 2014 | 240 170
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2014.v01i04.013
Pages: 216-221
Modern technology has today become indispensable for dairy development. However, the significance of indigenous knowledge (IK)/indigenous technical knowledge (ITK) should not and cannot be undermined if development has to be sustainable. It is essential to utilize local knowledge for increasing production in a manner, which does not disturb the ecosystem and environmental health. As a result indigenous knowledge (IK), ethno veterinary knowledge (EVK) has become an affordable alternative. In today’s concept of IPR regime, it is all the more imperative to document and protect our valuable IK for posterity. Considering this, an attempt was being made to document IK regarding breeding and management aspects of dairy animals and to appraise the rationality of those IK. The study was conducted in purposively selected Birbhum district of West Bengal. Multistage stratified sampling was applied for selection of blocks (2) and villages (4). “Snow-ball” sampling technique was adopted in the selected villages for collection and documentation of IK. Participant observation, unstructured interaction and recording of oral case histories by tape-records were used for documentation of indigenous knowledge /traditional practices regarding feeding of dairy animals. For abstracting and appraisal of rationality of indigenous knowledge, the analysis by formal R and D system is essential. Such analysis was done in relation to some practices. Attempts were made to probe the farmers’ rationality towards the IK. Thirteen IK related to breeding and management of dairy animals were collected and documented with rationality. Identifying, documenting, and rationalising IK in dairy are essential to achieve sustainable development.