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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-1 | Issue-04
Relationship between Fresh Cob Yield and Yield Components of Sweet Corn
S. Keerthi , A. Upendra Rao , A.V.Ramana , G. Ramesh
Published: April 30, 2014 | 238 156
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2014.v01i04.015
Pages: 227-229
Field data of the sweet corn experiment conducted during rabi, 2012-13 was used to establish the relationship between fresh cob yield and various yield components. All the yield components exhibited significantly positive linear relationship with the fresh cob yield. The R2 value varied from 90.3 to 98.3. The multivariate analysis also confirmed that the fresh cob yield of sweet corn was significantly dependent on yield components. The total variation in fresh cob yield by yield components was to the extent of 100. The yield components viz., dry matter production (DM) at tasseling, number of grain rows per cob (GRC), number of grains per row (GPR), fresh cob weight (FCW) , cob length (CL) and cob girth (CG) were significant at 1 per cent level. Hence, these components can be considered as predominant variables of fresh cob yield diversity in sweet corn.