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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-1 | Issue-04
Temperature Trends and their impact on rabi crops in changing climatic scenario of Bihar
V. Chhabra, A.A. Haris
Published: April 30, 2014 | 257 152
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2014.v01i04.016
Pages: 230-234
Climate is perceived to be changing worldwide and there has been growing concern towards the direction and magnitude of these changes. Greenhouse gases are responsible for maintaining earth's surface temperature suitable for sustaining life, but excess emission of GHGs increase the earth’s surface temperature and causing global warming. Globally, over the past several decades, about 80 percent of human-induced carbon dioxide emissions came from the burning of fossil fuels, while about 20 percent from deforestation and associated agricultural practices. Climate change associated variables like CO2, temperature and rainfall etc. affect food production through direct impact on growth and yield of food crops. These variables may also affect yield of crops indirectly through hydrological changes, soil erosion, organic matter, pest and disease incidence etc. To cope with the adverse impacts of increasing GHGs and associated global warming adaptation and mitigation approaches are the need of hour.