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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-1 | Issue-04
Effect of Controlled Breeding Techniques on Fertility and Plasma Profile of Biochemical and Mineral Constituents in Anoestrus Buffaloes
B.B. Nakrani, M.T. Panchal, A.J. Dhami, K.K. Hadiya, J.A. Patel, R.K. Gosai
Published: April 30, 2014 | 245 151
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2014.v01i04.028
Pages: 299-304
This study was planned to evaluate the fertility response and plasma profile of biochemical and mineral constituents in 55 postpartum (>90 days) anoestrus rural buffaloes treated with three standard hormonal protocols (CIDR, Ovsynch and Crestar, n=15 each), keeping a group of untreated anoestrus control (n=10) and a group of normal cyclic control (n=10). All the 15 (100 %) buffaloes in each group under CIDR, Ovsynch and Crestar protocols exhibited induced oestrus within mean intervals of 65.00±1.55, 69.46±1.04 and 46.00±1.37 hrs, respectively, from PGF2α injection. The conception rates obtained at induced oestrus with CIDR, Ovsynch and Crestar protocols were 46.67, 53.33 and 33.33 per cent, respectively. The corresponding overall conception rates of three cycles were observed to be 66.67, 73.33 and 60.00 per cent. In untreated anoestrus control (n=10), only 2 buffaloes exhibited spontaneous oestrus within 90 days of follow up and one conceived. The pooled conception rates of all three treatment groups at induced oestrus and overall of 3 cycles were 44.44 and 66.67 per cent, respectively. These were nearer to those in normal cyclic control group (40.00 and 70.00 %). Further, in the normal cyclic control group, the overall mean plasma total cholesterol, total protein, calcium and inorganic phosphorus concentrations were 64.93±2.87 mg/dl, 8.75±0.18 g/dl, 9.22±0.18 mg/dl, and 5.12±0.11 mg/dl, respectively. The influence of treatment days (0, 7, 9 (AI) or day 21 post-AI) was not significant for any of the traits in any of the groups. The levels of all these traits, except cholesterol, were significantly higher in normal Cyclic Control group than the values found in all three treatment groups of anoestrus animals, which were at par............