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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-1 | Issue-04
Screening of Native and Exotic Tomato Germplasm for Their Susceptibility to Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus and its Effect on Their Agro-Economic Performance Under Field Conditions
Waheed Akram, Tehmina Anjum, Sana Hanif, Sabin Fatima, AsrarMahboob, Asmat Ali Javed
Published: April 30, 2014 | 255 160
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2014.v01i04.029
Pages: 305-309
Native and exotic tomato germplasm was screened for their performance against tomato leaf curl virus. Whole experiment was conducted in author’s agriculture field under natural disease epidemic conditions. Fifteen tomato accessions along with five verities were used in this investigation. The effect of disease in percent plants infection was observed at different intervals. Reduction in performance of tomato plants under attack of this disease as also found out. None of the tomato entry was found to be 100 percent resistant against viral attack. But tomato accession “0017862” was found to be somewhat resistant as compared to other to tomato entries with minimum disease incidence when data was recorded at 60 day after transplantation. In the same way “Apple red” verity bearded maximum reduction in fruit bearing under attack of this viral disease, where minimum effect on fruit bearing was seen in accession “0017872” when comparison was made with healthy plants of same entry. Maximum reduction in fruit size was seen in diseased plants of entry “0017870” as compared to healthy plants of the same entry. Fruit size was least effected in entry “0017872” under the attack of tomato leaf curl virus.