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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-01
Extension Services for Effective Agricultural Risk Management in Orlu Agricultural Zone of Imo State, Nigeria
Chikaire, J.U., Ani, A.O., Atoma, C.N., Tijjani A.R.
Published: Jan. 30, 2015 | 242 164
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2015.v02i01.001
Pages: 1-8
The business of farming and agriculture in general is very risky. The risks may be as a result of man-made or natural causes. Farmers or agricultural producers are at the receiving end of the outcome of the risks. Agricultural producers need to be helped in the face of these risks occurring at an unpredictable time. The help farmers need to cope is the crux of this study – Extension services. This study examined the services agricultural extension render to manage these risks. The study looked at the demographic characteristics of respondents, risks faced by respondents, information risk areas, management of these risks and role extension play for managing risks. A total of 130 farmers were selected purposively from ADP list of registered farmers. Questionnaires were used to get information from the farmers. Majority (43.7%) of the farmers are within the active age of farming. They al receive extension visits, 49.2% have secondary education, 40% have 0.25 – 1 hectare of farmland. They face risks such as bad weather, pests and diseases outbreaks, fire outbreaks, flooding, financial and credit risks among others. To manage risks, extension provide information, share knowledge, link farmers to input points, educate and train farmers , build capacity, reduce vulnerability, support farmers organizations and others. The respondents also diversify crops, practice mixed cropping, share cropping, migrate to other areas, reallocated labour and store enough for used during difficult times.