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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-01
Simple decontamination methods for removal of pesticide residues in brinjal
Shashi Bhushan Vemuri, Cherukuri Sreenivasa Rao, S. Swarupa, Ravindranath Darsi, Harinatha Reddy A, Aruna M
Published: Jan. 30, 2015 | 243 152
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2015.v02i01.006
Pages: 27-30
Brinjal is highly cultivated vegetable consumed as cooked in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, attacked by variety of insect pests, of which fruit borer is economically significant. Farmers use variety of pesticides, of which organophosphates and synthetic pyrethroids are predominant. However, farmers are not looking at the safety intervals while harvesting the Brinjal thus resulting in pesticide residues in Brinjal at both farm gate and market points. Hence, it is essential to look for cheap and best method which can be adopted easily at home, thus keeping the requirement in mind, a study was planned to evaluate certain methods for removal of pesticide residues from Brinjal. Ripe Brinjal fruits (fresh, undamaged, stalks removed) were divided into lots, and each lot was dipped in 0.2% insecticide solutions (dimethoate, Quinalphos, Methylparathion, profenophos, endosulfan) separately for 5 minutes and air dried on clean surface. The randomly selected fruits were analysed for initial deposit of pesticides, and each lot of pesticide treated sample was subjected to different decontamination methods viz., washing under running tap water, 2% salt solution, direct cooking, dipping in 2% salt solution and cooking and analysed for final remaining residues after treatment using validated QuEChERS method utilising GC-ECD, FPD and confirmation done on GC-MS. Cumulative effect of all four household process caused substantial reduction in residues up to 95%. However, cooking with pressure cooker for 5 minutes reduced pesticides from 30-93%.