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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-02
Evaluation of Cyper Ruimoo 0.25% DP (cypermethrin) for the control of sesame seedbug, Elasmolomus sordidus Fabricius (Hemiptera: Lygaeidae) on sesame in the Sudan
Elnayer H. Suliman and Ihsan A. Abbas
Published: Feb. 28, 2015 | 245 162
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2015.v02i02.003
Pages: 94-96
The experiment was conducted in season 2013/2014 at Gedarif Research Station Farm (Northern area of Gedarif), with the objective of testing the insecticide Cyper Ruimoo as a post-harvest treatment for controlling the sesame seedbug, E. sordidus. The data obtained during harvesting time showed that Cyper Ruimoo insecticide recorded high % mortality and similar to that recorded by Al Faris use as standard. Mean weight of 1000-seeds was significantly different between the treatments, Cyper Ruimoo recorded high 1000-seeds weight (3.3 g) similar to those obtained by Al Faris (3.4 g) and better than the untreated control (2.4 g). The highest yield was recorded by Cyper Ruimoo (389 Kg/fed), followed by Al Faris (382.5 Kg/Fed) and the lowest yield was recorded by the untreated control.