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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-02
Growth of Mulberry Saplings as Influenced by the Application of Microbial Consortium
M. F. Baqual, P. K. Das, Huma Habib
Published: Feb. 28, 2015 | 240 141
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2015.v02i02.015
Pages: 149-155
Studies on co-inoculation of phosphate solubilizing micro-organisms, nitrogen fixing bacteria and VA-mycorrhiza at different levels and sources of nitrogen and phosphorus on mulberry saplings under nursery conditions indicated significant influence on sub-sub plot effect of two varieties on the survivability of saplings. Highest survivability of saplings (90.47%) was recorded with the variety V1 after 60 days of planting in nursery followed by S36 which showed 47.71 % of survivability. Application of two sources of phosphorus as main plot effect also significantly influenced the height of the saplings in 60 days itself. Among the two sources of phosphorus, maximum height was recorded with S2 (27.25 cm / sapling) followed by S1 (26.05 cm). Significant influence of the application of different levels and sources of fertilizer (F1-F10) as sub plot effect on height of saplings was also observed. Maximum height (32.28 cm / sapling) was recorded in the treatment F9 (recommended dose of phosphorus and nitrogen with co-inoculation). This was significantly higher as compared to other fertilizer levels including control (F10) but was at par with F8 and F7. Significant difference in the height of the saplings was also observed due to different varieties as sub-sub plot effect. Maximum height (34.25 cm / sapling) was recorded with the saplings of V1 variety after 60 days of plantation in nursery followed by S36 (19.06cm / sapling). The co-inoculation of saplings with PSM, Azotobacter and VA-mycorrhiza and application of ¾ th of the recommended dose of phosphorus as rock phosphate (RP) as well as full dose of nitrogen (F8I1S2V1) has resulted in maximum height (45.55 cm / sapling). This was significantly higher over most of the treatments including control. No significant difference between the two sources of phosphorus ( S1 and S2) as main plot effect on the length of primary roots of saplings was observed. However, the sub plot effect was found to be significant. Among the