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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-03
Application of Psuedo-Profit Function in Estimating Profitability of Energy Inputs used in Small-Scale Maize Enterprise in Niger State, Nigeria
Sadiq MS, Isah MA, Umar SM, Maude AM, Kudu AM, Lawal AT.
Published: March 30, 2015 | 247 146
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2015.v02i03.011
Pages: 209-214
The research examines profitability in maize production in Niger state, Nigeria with particular reference on energy inputs employed. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to draw 120 respondents and information elicited through administration of pre-tested questionnaire. Data used were collected during the 2014 cropping season. Pseudo profit function which incorporates gross margin and financial-economic ratios, and energy index models were used to analyze the data collected. Results showed that total inputs energy in maize production was 2227.81 MJha-1, with 85.2% of input energy contributed by agrochemical input or coming from biological energy and energy ratio was 4.5 in the production systems. Results suggest that reduction in agrochemical consumptions are important for energy saving and decreasing the environmental risk problem in the area. Furthermore, total energy cost incurred per ha-1 in maize production was N39, 799.10, with labour costs accounting for the highest percentage. The enterprise recorded a gross margin of N 16,211.21 and net farm income of N4613.23 ha-1, respectively. This result clearly indicated that maize production is a profitable venture and so farmers in the study area should be advised to venture into it.