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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Laboratory, clinical and pathological aspects of intoxication by bufotoxin in a canine – case report
Luzia Cristina Lencioni Sampaio, Charles Silva de Lima, Pâmela Ayres Martinuzzi, Luana Harz Durante, Fernanda Aquino Franco, Margarida Raffi, Bianca da Cruz Iéck
Published: May 30, 2015 | 237 100
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2015.v02i05.003
Pages: 345-346
Toxicosis caused by Bufotoxins has worldwide occurrence, frequently in rural areas and they are an emergency in clinical routine of small animals. The poisoning has clinical manifestations predominantly cardio toxic, evolving rapidly and can lead to death in a few hours. This report aims to describe an intoxication case by toad venom in a canine in Pelotas municipality, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. For being an urban environment and the occasional presence of toads, there are no reports of accidents per Bufotoxins in this region. Furthermore, after contacting the venom, the dog had a grave neurological condition after contacting the venom, and then a severe depression. Although using all the therapeutic resources, the patient died within 36 hours. The results of hematological tests, liver and kidney blood biochemistry, and abdominal ultrasound and anatomo pathological findings have confirmed the severity of intoxication.