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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-05
Age and Sex Based Multivariate Analysis of Body Morphology Using PCA
A.J. Shoyombo, J. Izebere, R.A. Animashahun, S.O. Olawoye, A.A Musa, H. Yakubu
Published: May 30, 2015 | 243 160
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2015.v02i05.005
Pages: 352-355
Genetic diversity provides the basis for improvement of indigenous goat through selective breeding. Principal component analysis of morphometric traits of the three indigenous breeds of Nigeria goats were carried out based on age and sex. A total of 900 goats were used for the study. Data were collected on BW: Body weight; HL: Horn Length; EL: Ear Length; SW: Shoulder width; NC: Neck circumference; BL: Body Length; WH: Wither Height; HG: Heart Girth; PG: Pouch Girth and TL: Tail Length respectively. Principal component analysis results indicated higher loadings for HG and PG in the PC1 for all classes, while indicating breed specific differences with the Sahel loading for length related indices such as HL, EL and BL (body shape components) a characteristic that is due to its environmental adaptation which has made it the longest and tallest breed best suited for milk but not meat production. Sexual loadings indicated females having better prediction results when body shape components are considered and the males are better judged using body volume measures, however, breed and age interaction must be taken into consideration.