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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-2 | Issue-04
Production of Winter Vegetables in Urban Area of Hanoi, Vietnam: Case Study in Quoc Oai District
Bui Thi Nga
Published: May 30, 2015 | 252 168
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2015.v02i04.009
Pages: 314-318
The production of winter vegetables has created jobs for rural residents, mobilizing idle capital and contributed a significant portion of income for Vietnamese farmers in recent years. However, there are still some problems with the production of winter vegetables: small scale, fragment, without a specific planning, and the farmers will be vulnerable. This paper aims to research about the real situation of production of winter vegetables, found out a number of impacted factors and propose some measures to promote the production of winter vegetables in order to improve value added and benefits for farmers. The paper is based on the standard questionnaires and direct interviews method to collect data from 90 farmers who planted the winter vegetables in Quoc Oai district, Hanoi of Vietnam. The findings showed that the production scale of winter vegetables of the surveyed households increased, productivity improved, and the yield continuously went up. However, the value added and mix income of farmers were still low. Some internal factors affecting the production of winter vegetables were the incomplete irrigation system and the limited skills in producing winter crops of farmers. Besides, there were some external influencing elements: unpredictable weather and diseases. In order to promote the value added and benefit for farmers, a reasonable system of winter crops should be layout and planned, technical skills for farmers should be improved, financial aid for farmers should be considered, irrigation systems had to be expanded and developed.