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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-01
The Role of Beef Cattle against Household Economies in Rural Areas in Kamang Baru Subdistrict Sijunjung Regency
Muslimatul Adabiyah Marbun, Asdi Agustar, Nofialdi
Published: Jan. 21, 2019 | 275 167
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2019.v06i01.002
Pages: 8-14
The beef cattle maintenance business in the household economy in the Kamang Baru sub-district plays a role in various things, namely; a) maintenance of beef cattle for employment, b) maintenance of beef cattle in increasing the benefits /added value of resources owned by farmers, c) maintenance of beef cattle as a source of capital for productive business and d) contribution of beef cattle to household income of farmers. The outpouring of labor in the maintenance of beef cattle is still low at 0.42 MDH. While the outpouring of family labor available is 3 MDH. This means that 2.58 MDH is used by farmers for other jobs rather than raising beef cattle. The aspect of resource utilization view owned by farmers, farmers tend to use forage in plantation areas and use vacant land to grow forage. While the utilization of palm leaf wasted was only carried out by 34 respondents (37%). The role of beef cattle as different business capital, depends on the needs of the farmer itself, namely 48 respondents (52%) are utilizing livestock as savings, 36 respondents (39%) are utilizing livestock as savings and income sources, 1 respondent (1%) is utilizing livestock as labor and source of income, and 8 respondents (9%) use livestock as labor and savings. The contribution of beef cattle maintenance business to farmers' income in the study area is still low at 5.54%.