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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-01
Identification of the Potential Bali Cattle Breeding Business Development Integrated with Oil Palm Plantations in West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatera
Bagus Dimas Setiawan, Arfa'i, Yuliaty Shafan Nur
Published: Jan. 30, 2019 | 252 171
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2019.v06i01.003
Pages: 15-25
This research aims to identify and analyze the potential of Bali cattle breeding development that integrated with palm oil plantations, the data used in this research is secondary data rom the BPS, journal, Department of animal husbandry, and Bappeda in West Pasaman. Variables observed are; 1) The general state of research area); 2) Potential HR (Human Resource); SDA (Natural Resources); and; SDL (Land Resources) for the integration development; 3) Region integration business development base in each sub-district; and 4) fund allocation of integration program. The analysis data used sre descriptive analysis and location quation analysis (LQ). The results of this research indicate; 1) Central region of Bali cattle business development, of the 11 existing sub is on; in sub-district Pasaman (1,233); Luhak Nan Duo (2,779); Sasak Ranah Pasisise (1,779); and Kinali (1,997); 2) Potential of human resources with the number of labor force in West Pasaman is 94,982 people of the total population, with 187,199 people and details of productive age shows i.e., age 20-49 years (42,80%) and as much as 1,327 people are the group of farmers/livestock; 3) Potential of natural resources showed the potential of oil palm plantations reach 102,200 Ha of fruit palm oil production 1.759.106.80 Tons with the total number of beef cattle as much as 19,277/tail (1,752%) then the potential of integration is ideal to be implemented implemented in regency of West Pasaman; and 4) fund allocation of integration program on each group of cattle on average reached Rp. 300,000,000. Expected in the presence this potential identification information for Bali cattle business development integrated with palm oil plantations can thrive and ultimately will give an impact on improved productivity among cattle and plantations.