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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-01
Impact of Some Organic Mulch Materials on Weed Dynamic, Proximate Composition and Nutrient uptake of Celosia (Celosia argentea L.) in Southeastern Nigeria
Sunday Omovbude, Ogbonna Nkemdilim Udoka
Published: Jan. 30, 2019 | 259 164
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2019.v06i01.005
Pages: 34-40
Field experiment was conducted at the Teaching and Research Farm of University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria to the evaluate the impact of some organic mulch materials on weed dynamic, proximate composition and nutrient uptake of celosia. The experiment consisted of six treatments namely: calopo mulch at 10 t/ha, guinea grass mulch at 10 t/ha, sawdust mulch at 10 t/ha, wood shavings mulch at 10 t/ha , Two hoe weeding at 3 and7 WAP and weedy check laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replicates. Result showed that there were changes in weed species composition due to mulching. Weedy check plot had the highest weed score and weed dry weight than other treatments. Among the organic mulch materials, wood shavings and sawdust had the lowest weed score and dry weight. Plot mulched with calapo had the highest dry moisture content (16.00%), crude protein (10.51%) crude fibre (11.75%), carbohydrate (33.33%) fat (0.03%) and ash (34.25%). Weedy plot had lowest dry moisture content (7.63%), crude protein (4.75%) crude fibre (5.25 %), carbohydrate (16.50%), fat (0.01%) and ash (16.53%). In addition, calopo mulched plot had the highest uptake of N (22.54 kg/ha), P (33.35 kg/ha), K (14.70 kg/ha), Ca (3.29 kg/ha) , Mg (31.38 kg/ha) and Fe (32.52 kg/ha). The weedy check had the lowest uptake of N (2.61 kg/ha), P (3.61kg/ha) K (2.40 kg/ha), Ca (0.42 kg/ha), Mg (2.99 kg/ha) and Fe (1.57 kg/ha). The Mulch Technology could be of benefit to farmers for controlling weeds growth, improving the nutritional quality and nutrient uptake of celosia without depending on herbicide usage, which may constitute threat to the environment. Since, calopo was the most effective mulch material for enhancing proximate composition and nutrient uptake; it is thus, recommendable to celosia growers.