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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-03
Economic Impacts of Meat Producing Species on Fattening Period and Efficiency of Meat Production Farms under Egyptian Conditions
Samer S. Ibrahim, Hanaa M. Ghanem, Ibrahim, A. Mostafa
Published: March 30, 2019 | 260 177
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2019.v06i03.005
Pages: 99-103
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of meat producing species on fattening period and efficiency of meat production farms through field survey of different meat producing farms in Dakahlia province, which located at the north delta of Egypt. The meat producing animals included in this study were baladi cattle calves, cross-bred cattle calves and buffalo calves. The data included in the study were productive parameters as feed intake; marketing weights, weight gain and fattening period in addition to economic parameters as costs of production, feed cost, returns, and then different economic efficiency measures were calculated. The data analyzed using computer programs SPSS/PC+. The results revealed that, the best breed from economic point used for fattening under Egyptian conditions were cross-bred calves and is better than baladi calves and buffalo calves. These results attributed to the high body weight gain, high resistance to different diseases, lower total costs and a higher return in cross-bred calves than baladi and buffalo calves. Also, the value of economic efficiency measures as TR/TC were 118.94 % in cross-bred calves and is higher than the buffalo calves and baladi calves as were 118.34 % and 115.09 % respectively.