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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-05
The Effect of Culture Media on Anther Culture Response of Spring Barley Varieties (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Wejden Brahmi, Ali Ltifi, Faouzi Haouala
Published: May 30, 2019 | 254 169
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2019.v06i05.003
Pages: 153–159
The effect of 3 culture media (Bac3, C3 and FHG) on the anther culture response of 8 spring barley varieties (Rihane, Manel, Roho, Moumtez, Kounouz, Lamsi, Ardhaoui and Safra) has been studied. Spikes were kept in dark at 4°C for 3 weeks. Anthers were cultured when microspores were in the mid-late development stage. The anther culture response was better in C3 and FHG media. Embryo induction and plant regeneration were poor in the medium Bac3. The two row varieties ‘Roho’ gave the highest embryo induction and plant regeneration rates. The green plant regeneration was poor.