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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-09
Development of an Iot Based Tractor Tracking Device to Be Used as a Precision Agriculture Tool for Turkey’s Agricultural Tractors
Çağdaş Civelek
Published: Oct. 10, 2019 | 326 167
DOI: 10.36347/SJAVS.2019.v06i09.001
Pages: 199-203
Precision agriculture (PA) is one of the most trending topics of today’s agriculture. This subject covers wide range of technologies like sensors, microcontroller-based devices, machine to machine communication technologies, global positioning systems, drones, satellite images, and big data and so on. Using these technologies on agricultural machinery will enable farmers to use less in inputs that reduces expenses versus produce higher quantity which means high income. Besides these technologies, internet of things (IoT) technology is a new PA era that agricultural production will be the one area mostly affected by it. IoT covers hardware like sensors, machine to machine and long-range connection technologies, and software like decision support systems, stand-alone and web-based software. IoT enables almost anything on the planet to be connected to internet to gather data. This technology’s most advantageous point is that it can be integrated to anything for a very cheap price. This advantage enables countries which lacks in use of precision agricultural techniques. Turkey is one of the countries that have barriers to adopt in PA. For that reason, in this paper benefits of using IoT technologies in Turkey’s agriculture, available solutions in Turkey were discussed and a developed IoT based tractor tracking device’s potential use in farms were investigated.