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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-10
Effects of Dietary Energy Level on Growth Performances of African Giant Rats (Cricetomys Gambianus)
Tsambou Megnimeza Astride Martine, Kenfack Augustave, Miegoue Emile, Mweugang Ngouopo Nathalie, Vemo Narcisse Bertin, Kwayep Nyah Cédric, Tafeukeng Atabonfack William Poclain, Fonou Tadiesse Lavoisie
Published: Nov. 9, 2019 | 257 155
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2019.v06i10.001
Pages: 212-219
A study was conducted to determine the effects of dietary energy level in African giant rats growth performances. Thirty-two young African giant rats whose 16 males and 16 females averaging 293.41±19.21g were used. They were randomly distributed into 4 groups of 8 animals each (4 males and 4 females). To each group was randomly attributed a diet characterized by one of the 4 studied digestible energy levels (3600 Kcal/kg DM, 3800 Kcal/kg DM, 4000 Kcal/kg DM and 4200 Kcal/kg DM). The daily distribution of the experimental feeds last the whole study duration. Results showed no significant difference among dietary energy levels 3600, 3800, 4000 and 4200 Kcal/ kg DM which allowed the feed intake of 741.15 g, 759.41 g, 759.67 g and 753.85 g per week respectively. Though the growth rate was faster in animals receiving 3800 Kcal/kg DM, the evolution of body weight was comparable (p>0.05) among treatments. The lowest consumption index was registered in cricetoma fed 3800 Kcal/kg DM, although no significant (p>0.05) difference was obtained compared to other treatments. The carcass yield was not significantly (p>0.05) affected regardless the energy level. In view of the present results, the dietary digestible energy requirement that gave the best growth performances in African giant rat was 3800 Kcal/kg DM.