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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-10
The Efficiency of Inorganic Fertilizer Use on Potential Leguminoceae Cover Crop Species at the Oil Palm Plantation of Dharmasraya Regency
Yeni Indriani, Rizka Putri Artha, Jihan Aprilia Nawawi, Chairul
Published: Nov. 24, 2019 | 237 166
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2019.v06i10.006
Pages: 250-255
The regular use of inorganic fertilizers on oil palm plantations has a lot of negative effects; hence the most effective species of Leguminoceae Cover Crop (LCC) is needed to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers. The purpose of this research is to find out which LCC species is best used in oil palm plantations at Dharmasraya Regency. The methods used in this research were observing seed germination, measuring biomass treatment using destructive methods, and measuring soil nitrogen levels using the kjeldahl method. The results showed that based on seed germination aspect, there was no significant difference in each treatment (p> 0.05), while based on the amount of biomass, Mucuna bracteata (3,60 gr) had the highest level of effectiveness. Analysis of soil Nitrogen content showed that the treatment of Mucuna bracteata (0,22%) and Centrosema pubescens (0,21%) were effective to use as cover crops. The conclusion obtained is that based on seed germination, there is no effective species, and for the amount of biomass, Mucuna bracteata has the highest effectiveness, while based on soil nitrogen levels, Mucuna bracteata and Centrosema pubescens species are effective to use as cover crops. Thus, the most effective species of Leguminoceae Cover Crop on oil palm plantations in Dharmasraya Regency is Mucuna bracteata species.