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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-11
Selection of Suitable Harvesting Times of Sweet Potato Genotypes of Sadar Upazilla at Sylhet District in Bangladesh
S. M. Tareq Mahmud, A. F. M Saiful Islam, Sharifunnessa Moonmoon
Published: Dec. 11, 2019 | 243 150
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2019.v06i11.002
Pages: 268-274
Appropriate harvesting time of sweetpotato is a critical issue for obtaining a quality sweetpotato. With a view to finding a suitable harvesting time of sweetpotato genotypes, an experiment was conducted at Daspara village of Sylhet Sadar in Bangladesh during November 2017 to April 2018 using seven sweetpotato genotypes viz. Local-1, Local-5, Local-6, Local-8, Exotic-2, Exotic-3, and BARI Sweetpotato-12 harvested at four dates viz.105, 120, 135 and 150 days after planting (DAP) following Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Morphological and yield attributes were recorded at every harvesting date. Result revealed that at 120 DAP, Local-5 had the highest vine number plant-1 (37.40), highest vine fresh (503.4 g plant-1) and dry (88.1 g plant-1) weight plant-1 and at 105 DAP, Local-6 had maximum leaf number plant-1 (576.02). At 135 DAP, the highest storage roots number plant-1 (7.57) was found in Exotic-2 and at 120 DAP, the longest storage roots (20.90 cm) were in Local-5. The thickest storage roots (4.92 cm) was found in Local-8 at 135 DAP whereas the thinnest (1.62 cm) in Local-5 at 120 DAP. At 150 DAP, the highest fresh (867.69 g plant-1) and dry (274.42 g plant-1) weight of storage roots were in Local-1. At 105 DAP, the highest non-marketable yield of storage roots was recorded in Exotic-2 and Local-5 while the highest marketable yield (46.96 t ha-1) and total yield (48.21 t ha-1) in Local-1 at 150 DAP. It is concluded that genotype Local-1 showed the best performance among all the genotypes in respect to total yield and marketable yield.