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Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-11
Characterization of Swine Holes in Korhogo Department
G. K. G Brou, C.F.D. Adou, M. Meniga, R. Y. Soro
Published: Dec. 15, 2019 | 247 150
DOI: 10.36347/sjavs.2019.v06i11.003
Pages: 275-284
The development of pig farms requires a better knowledge of these different components. Thus a study was conducted in the Korhogo department to characterize pig farms. To do this, a survey was conducted using a questionnaire to interview pig farmers. A total of 68 pig farms were visited. The results showed that pig farming is practiced by men (86.8%) and is intended for sale (97%) with a strong exploitation of improved breeds (92.6%) acquired per purchase (86.8%). The average herd size is 16.16 heads, with a predominance of fattening pigs (55.3%). This breeding is practiced for most breeders with a system and traditional buildings (63.2%). Food is mainly based on the use of a mixture of two to three raw materials representing the components of the feed manufactured by the farmer (80.5%) and distributed once (72.1%). Management is carried out by the breeder himself and / or his family (94.1%). Reproduction is done in a natural way (94.1%). The main diseases encountered are African swine fever, scabies and diarrhea and no prophylaxis plan is respected. Many constraints exist and are linked to livestock management.