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SAS Journal of Medicine | Volume-5 | Issue-02
Left Ventricular True Aneurysm with Subacute Myocardial Rupture: An Early and Unusual Post Infarction Complication
Kadiri Rime, Doghmi Nawal, Belhaj Saad, Cherti Mohamed
Published: Feb. 28, 2019 | 267 144
DOI: 10.21276/sasjm.2019.5.2.4
Pages: 28-31
Left ventricular true aneurysm is a rare complication of myocardial infarction which is usually diagnosed few weeks or months after the infarction; it is mostly founded in the anterior or apical wall. Left ventricular (LV) true aneurysm can rarely lead to myocardial rupture which is a catastrophic complication requiring an urgent surgical treatment. We are describing a case of a 63 year-old male heavy smoker with a medical history of angina fifteen days earlier with normal echocardiography, the patient underwent a coronary angiographic examination that showed a severe triple vessel stenosis. He was advice to undergo a coronary artery bypass graft surgery, but declined the procedure, so a percutaneous coronary intervention with stents implantation in the three vessels was performed. Ten days after discharge, the patient suffered from chest pain. He presented three days later to the hospital with worsening symptoms and pulmonary edema. Surface electrocardiogram showed a low voltage, with pathological Q wave in leads III, avF. Transthoracic echocardiogram showed a moderate left ventricular systolic dysfunction, inferior LV aneurysm and a moderate-sized pericardial effusion