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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-7 | Issue-01
Higher Education Students’ Utilisation of Information and Communication Technology with Special Reference to My Vista: Benefits, Challenges & Opportunities
Nkululeko Sibanda, Douglas Gasva, Wisdom Moyo
Published: Jan. 30, 2019 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v07i01.005
Pages: 30-37
The current study adopted the qualitative research methodology and descriptive research design. The target population of the study was composed of registered students enrolled at Matabeleland North Regional Campus of the Zimbabwe Open University during the January to June semester of 2018. Convenient sampling was used to come up with a sample of 30 (n=30) undergraduate students and Interviews were utilized as the research technique for the purposes of generating data from the participants. The gathered data was presented in prose form and the major findings of the study were that most of the students enjoyed the multiple benefits of using MyVista as it generally enhanced their studies. However, a number of students within the area under study lacked ICT skills considering that most of them came from predominantly rural areas where access to ICT is generally limited. In addition, there were limited ICT resources particularly computers connected to Internet at the Regional Campus. However, study findings revealed a number of opportunities related to the use of the platform by the students in the area under study. These included the fact that most students generally possessed smart phones which they can use in the place of computers to access the platform. In addition, a number of students were convinced that the platform made their studies and communication a lot easier and was also in tandem with global ICT developmental trends. Accordingly, the study recommended that The study concluded that most students at Matabeleland North Regional Campus of the ZOU enjoyed the multiple benefits of using MyVista. Generally, its use by students was largely associated with several benefits and opportunities though there were some challenges which were however not insurmountable. Based on the findings and conclusion, the researchers recommended that the Regional Campus steps up its efforts in liaison with the National Centre in ensuring that all students were comfortable with the u