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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-02
Influence of Media Use on Students Learning of Christian Religious Education
Zadock Obuchere Murundu, Habwenje Henry Murundu
Published: Feb. 15, 2018 | 275 184
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i02.008
Pages: 334-340
Media has a crucial influence on the teaching and learning of Christian Religious Education (CRE) in Schools as it makes the entire process of curriculum implementation to be effective. Despite its importance, the subject has been taught with minimal use of media. This is because schools are faced with inadequate provision of instructional media which hampers efficient teaching and learning of the subject. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of media use on students learning of Christian Religious Education in Secondary Schools. The study was based on Descriptive Survey Design. The study population consisted of 112 Head teachers, 160 teachers of CRE and 4000 form two students. Random Sampling Technique was used to select 25 Head Teachers. Simple Random Sampling was used to select 53 teachers of CRE and 1333 students. Data was collected using Questionnaires, Teachers’ Interview Schedule, Lesson Observation Schedule and Document Analysis Guide. The study found out that; use of media during teaching and learning assists teachers in realizing lesson objectives, CRE concepts are well understood when teachers use media in teaching. The study also revealed that students preferred electronic media as compared to textbooks and chalk walls. The study recommends that; head teachers should provide adequate electronic media in schools to enhance the teaching and learning of CRE.