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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-03
Pedagogical Use of Authentic Video Materials to Enhance Listening Skills of University Students
Suzan Karkera, Dr. C. Chamundeshwari
Published: March 20, 2018 | 360 247
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i03.001
Pages: 499-501
The objective of the study is to develop listening skills of the university students studying English using authentic video materials and to evaluate the statistical significant differences through assessment of pre and posttest of the students. The sample of this study comprises of 50 first-year legal studies students in the first semester of the academic year 2016 at REVA University, Bengaluru. The participants were a heterogeneous group of students. The method of teaching using authentic video material was implemented; the data was analyzed and interpreted through qualitative and quantitative analysis. This analysis included pretest and posttest data. The t-test was used to compare the improvement of listening competency of the students. The mean of pre-test = 15.84 and posttest = 26.1. The value of ∝ = 0.05 which is lower than the t test value = 2.423 indicates the significant difference between the pre-test and the posttest. The post test scores are higher which favors the difference of the study. Therefore, students enhanced English language listening skills through using authentic video materials.