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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-03
A Biblical Understanding of Divorce and Its Implications for the Church Today: A Review Article
Esther J. Kibor
Published: March 30, 2018 | 165 178
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i03.017
Pages: 599-603
This article’s ontological formulation is that marriage is a picture of the relationship between Christ and the church. The church is Christ’s bride and Christ himself is the bridegroom. The church is made up of all who believe in Jesus Christ as their savior. The allegiance, sacrificial love, and faithfulness of a husband and wife depict the relationship between Christ and the church. Therefore, what God has joined, let no man put them asunder. But divorce with its grave effects destroys the unity of a marriage. It creates problems of allegiance to God. It brings out the “real me” into the surface. The enduring questions therefore for this article are: Did God intends marriages to last? And if so, why is there divorce? What can be done to save and change this situation? These are the questions the author seeks to find out from review of available literature and drawing of conclusions.