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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-04
Brokers and Illegal Fishing in Indonesia
Yosua Jaya Edy, Edy Parwanto, Sunyoto Usman, Moh. Najib Azca
Published: April 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i04.009
Pages: 844-849
Talaud waters are a border area between Indonesia and the Philippines that has the problem of illegal fishing. Using a network analysis approach with intensive field research for two years from 2014 to 2016, this research aims to determine the range of networks developed by actors involved in illegal fishing, and to identify strategies and tricks developed by actors to keep illegal fishing activities going. The strength of the illegal fishing network in the Indonesia-Philippines border region can not be separated from the role of brokers or intermediaries that exist in every network. Brokers have an important role to connect actors involved in illegal fishing. One of the findings of this research is the role of brokers is also carried out by state apparatus or parties related to the state apparatus. This study found a new type of brokerage configuration; uncertain representative and uncertain gatekeeper is a new typology developed by researchers. In Uncertain representative the role of broker is played by local fisherman who seems to be a Filipino fisherman, has two state identity, while in uncertain gatekeeper the role of broker which is played by the state apparatus is ambiguous position, on the one hand seen as a party outside the state system but in reality is the extension of the policymaker's own hands.