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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-04
Role of Information and Communications Technologies in Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Institutions in Nairobi, Kenya
Everlyn Oluoch- Suleh , Osuji Gregory Ekene
Published: April 30, 2018 | 354 247
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i04.011
Pages: 859-865
Information and communications technologies (ICTs) have the potential to widen access to educational resources. They can also improve quality of teaching and learning and build a well-established knowledge society. The study explored how ICTs support teaching and learning processes, how lecturers and students make use of the Moodle platform developed for teaching and learning, the factors that affect the effective use of ICTs on teaching and learning, and how effective use of ICTs can be improved in order to enhance teaching and learning in the institution. The study was carried out in a private tertiary institution in Langata, Nairobi County, Kenya. It adopted a qualitative paradigm and used case study in the design. It was anchored on the Constructivism Learning Theory. The study purposively sampled 10 students and 4 staff members. Interview guide and focus group discussion guide were used for data collection. The interviews were transcribed, coded, categorised into themes, interrelated, and interpreted. The study revealed that ICTs enable lecturers and students to access educational resources easily, make teaching and learning interesting and motivating, also promote easy diffusion of information and knowledge. Furthermore, despite the relevance of the Moodle platform developed for teaching and learning in the institution, the platform is rarely used due to technophobic attitude among the lecturers, and the dysfunctional nature of the Moodle platform. To overcome this challenge, the study recommended need for full administrative and technical support so as to enhance quality teaching and learning by the use of ICTs.