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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-04
The Impact of Anti-Corruption Program on Members’ Attitude and the Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Program in the Institutions under Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) Maseno North Diocese in Western Kenya
Philip A. Owasi, Sussy Gumo, Chrispinus Iteyo
Published: April 30, 2018 | 356 222
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i04.021
Pages: 924-934
Corruption is still a major problem affecting several institutions leading to immeasurable negative consequences globally. In Africa, Kenya included, there has been a general push to deal with the vice collectively as it cuts across all sectors of development thus creating an unjust society in which addressing other pressing social issues become challenging. The church, previously considered ‘holy’, has had a share of its own challenges related to corruption. In the Anglican Church of Kenya, there has been several programs initiated to curb the vice but the impact of these programs on the members’ attitude and the effectiveness of such programs on the institutions under this church remain un-established. Through a cross-sectional study targeting 280 respondents, the current study was carried out in ACK Maseno North Diocese with the aim of establishing the attitude of the anti-corruption programs on the members of the church. In addition, the effectiveness of the anti-corruption programs on the institutions hosted within ACK church was assessed. Majority of the church members 240/280 (85.7%) felt that there is no corruption in church where as 40/280 (14.3%) felt that corruption is in church and it is good that the church has put in place a viable program to handle corruption. The 14.3% believed that corruption is especially witnessed in leadership positions.