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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-04
Influence of Parenting Style on Problem-Behaviour among Pre-Adolescents
Prachi Trivedi, Dr. Nishi Fatma
Published: April 30, 2018 | 327 283
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i04.028
Pages: 972-975
The main objective of this study was concerned and focused on the influence of parenting style on problem behavior among pre-adolescents and how different parenting style lead to different behavior problems among pre-adolescents. In this study 150 samples were selected through random sampling in the age group of 8 to 12 years. For measuring the influence of parent style among pre-adolescents parenting-style scale and problem-behavior checklist were used. Findings suggested that authoritarian parenting style leads the children to become rebellious and adopt problematic behavior. In contrast, authoritative parenting style is effective for children, as it encourages moderate parenting style. Parents who spend maximum time with their children reduce the probability of problematic behavior among pre-adolescents.