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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-06
Influence of School Feeding Program on Learner’s Enrolment for Primary School Education in Mogotio Sub County of Baringo County
Kokwee Zachary Kiprotich
Published: June 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i06.007
Pages: 1229-1233
The purpose of the study was to investigate the extent to which school feeding program affect enrolment of learners in primary school education. The study adopted an exploratory approach using a descriptive survey design to obtain information that will be used to describe the existing phenomena. The study was done in 10 primary schools in Mogotio Division. The unit of analysis constituted of 70 respondents (Head teacher/ Heads of school feeding program, Teachers, parent representatives and pupils). Purposive random sampling was used in this case whereby all the 70 respondents were picked to fill the questionnaire. A research questionnaire was used. The study concludes feeding programs enhance attendance levels in the centres to a very great extent that there were cases of children who miss school because of the feeding program in place and that children miss school because of sickness, family affairs, lack of school uniform and food at home, poor performances which make them shy away, lack of parental support and guidance as well as poor characteristics developed by students. The findings of this study may be of use to the various primary schools for it would assist them understand better the issues related to school feeding programmes. The study would also go a long way to helping the government in making relevant policy to safeguard the wellbeing of primary school learners by providing well balanced feeding programs to these centres as well as budgetary allocation to the same.