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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-06
Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Anxiety: A Study of Adolescent
Ekta Singh, M. Phil, Dr. Ravindra Kumar
Published: June 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i06.013
Pages: 1267-1271
The main objectives of this paper to study the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic anxiety among adolescent’s boys and girls. The Independent Variable of the study is Emotional Intelligence and the Dependent Variable of the study is Academic Anxiety. The Null Hypothesis (H0) was formulated to find out the relationship of the variables. First Hypothesis was that there is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic anxiety among boys and girls adolescents students. The investigator selected a representative sample of total 200 school students through random sampling method. The age group of the sample was restricted to 10-19 years only. The Mangal Emotional Intelligence Inventory (MEI) by Dr. S.K. Mangal & Mrs. Shubhra Mangal and Academic Anxiety Scale for Children (AASC) by Dr. A. K. Singh and Dr. A. Sen Gupta was used. To compare the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic anxiety of adolescent boys and girls Mean, Standard Deviation, Z- test and Correlation Product Moment by Karl Pearson were calculated. It can be concluded that there is no significant relationship or association between emotional intelligence and academic anxiety among the adolescent. Findings also show that there is no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and academic anxiety among male and female adolescents. Emotional quotient and intelligence quotient is seen as one of main elements in individual’s life according to the result of the study.