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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-07
The Relationship between Adolescents Family Structures’ and their Psychosocial Adjustment Among Bate Senior Secondary School Students, Haramaya, Ethiopia
Galata Sitota
Published: July 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i07.007
Pages: 1396-1402
The present study examined the relationship between adolescent’s family structures’ and their psychosocial adjustment among Bate senior secondary school students. To obtain the required information randomly selected 112 (50 males and 62 females) adolescent students from (intact 72 and non-intact 42) were participated in the study. Data were collected employing psychosocial adjustment scale that was adapted from previous versions. Data were analyzed using a blend of both descriptive such as mean and standard deviation and inferential statistical methods such as Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, two way ANOVA and pair wise comparison (Scheffe test) were employed. Findings indicated that there is a statistically significant relationship between adolescent’s family structures and their psychosocial adjustment. It means that, adolescent from intact families found to be better in their psychosocial adjustment than adolescents from non-intact families. Male and female adolescents from intact families are found to be better in their psychosocial adjustment over adolescents from non-intact families. Males are found to be better in their psychosocial adjustment than female adolescents regardless of family structures’ they came from. Attempts were made to explain findings within the existing ecological and socio-cultural practices of the study area. Recommendations were also suggested as to how to properly address the gaps noted in this research.