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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-07
Issues on Access and Equalization of University Educational Opportunities in Nigeria
Uduak Imo Ekpoh, Ovat Egbe Okpa
Published: July 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i07.010
Pages: 1414-1418
The study investigated access and equalization of university educational opportunities in Nigeria. In the process, survey research design was adopted for the study. Two research questions were drawn to guide the study. The sample comprised 600 Academic Heads of Departments and Programme Coordinators drawn from six federal universities in South-South, Nigeria. A questionnaire titled “Equalization of University Education Opportunity Questionnaire” was developed by the researchers for data collection. The internal consistency of the instrument using Cronbach alpha yielded a co-efficient of 0.84. The collected data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The result revealed that access and equalization of university education is hindered by carrying capacity, poor funding, and exorbitant charges and can be enhanced by increased funding, establishment of more universities, and introduction of scholarship schemes. Recommendations made, based on the findings included that facilities in the existing Universities should be expanded to accommodate more candidates seeking university education as well as, improve the funding of universities.