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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-07
The Relationship between Parent Involvement and Students’ Academic Achievement Motivation: the case of East Harerge Zone Senior Secondary and Preparatory Schools
Ambachew Tarekegn, Amare Misganaw, Geleta Sitota
Published: July 30, 2018 | 345 276
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i07.014
Pages: 1448-1452
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between parental involvements and students’ academic achievement motivation in east Harerghe zone, Oromia region. There has been a great debate among researchers regarding this area of concern. Most of the studies conducted in this area focus on other factors such as the availability of library materials, the quality of teacher and educational material other than parent involvement. The relationship between parent involvement and academic achievement motivation is one of the least researched areas because of the reasons mentioned. The specific objectives of this study were examining the relationship between parent involvement and academic achievement motivation and identifying the variable which contributed more for academic achievement motivation. The study involved 494 students randomly selected from senior secondary and preparatory schools found in the study area. Data were collected through a twenty two item academic achievement motivation inventory and a twelve item parent involvement inventor on four point rating scale that was adapted from previous versions. Data collected through questionnaire were analyzed using inferential statistical methods such as Pearson moment correlation and regression .Accordingly, in order to examine the relationship between parent involvement and academic achievement motivation Pearson product moment correlation was used. To address the second objectives of the study which intended to identify the variable which contributed more for academic achievement motivation regression analysis was employed. The outcome of the study were, there is statistically significant relationship between parent involvements, and academic achievement motivation and parental education contribute more in students’ academic motivation among other predictive variables.