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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-07
Exploration of Surface Decorations to Enhance the Value of Indigenous Ghanaian Pottery
Eugene Ofori Agyei, Teddy Osei, Joy Okokon
Published: July 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i07.016
Pages: 1459-1464
Ghanaian Indigenous pottery plays an important role in the society. The image of the traditional pottery is ruined because of the surface decoration given. The products are finished and decorated either by incising, embossment, sqrafitto etc. The need therefore to explore with non-conventional materials in order to add value, enhance the texture and aesthetic quality of the products. The study adopted the studio-based research method of qualitative research approach in the execution of the project. The study has shown that, mixed media method employed in the project could be practiced to add value, enhance the texture and aesthetic character and likewise improve the marketability of the indigenous pottery products in Ghana. Further, exploring with non-conventional materials will inspire and educate producers, particularly the local potters to improve their creativity and enhance their wares to meet contemporary expectations. The study, therefore recommends that, further research should be done by using different materials to enhance the value of Ghanaian indigenous pottery.