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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-08
Community Vulnerability and Capacity of Local Government on Flood Control in Pasie Raya Subdistrict, Aceh Jaya Regency
Lilis Sariyanti, Henri Sitorus, Fikarwin Zuska, Rizabuana, Henry Sitorus
Published: Aug. 30, 2018 | 346 253
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i08.009
Pages: 1540-1545
Floods that hit several subdistricts in Aceh Jaya were caused by the inundation of Teunom River. Teunom River is one of the longest rivers in Aceh province. In order to assess the vulnerability of community in Gampong Pulo Tinggi to floods and the capacity of local government in flood control, a qualitative analysis was conducted by interviews, observations and Forum Group Discussion methods. The results indicate that the flood disaster occurred as a result of deterioration in environmental quality, namely the deforestation and the creation of embankments that has not been maximized. There are several precautions from the community to avoid greater losses due to this flood disaster such as making a house foundation that is higher than the ground surface, making the pantee where furniture is put in order to avoid being submerged, arranging the rice seed planting schedule agreed through the kenduri blang meeting. These precaution efforts carried out by the community, like kenduri blang and tulak bala become local wisdom which is the result of the ancestral inheritance in the form of ritual requests to God. Flood control by the government has not been optimal in terms of prevention such as embankment that need to be extended, tools during floods such as insufficient inflatable boats and Rapid Reaction Team that only consists of 20 people up until 2018 for the whole area of Aceh Jaya Regency.