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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-08
Relationship between Locus of Control and Examination Anxiety among First Year Medical Campus Students of Haramaya Univesity, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia
Mr. BirhanuSintayehu, Dr. Mangilal Banoth
Published: Aug. 30, 2018 | 349 232
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i08.013
Pages: 1568-1572
In this study an attempt is made to find out the relationship between locus of control and Examination Anxiety among the medical campus students of Haramaya University, Eastern Part of Ethiopia. To do so, co relational research design and a quantitative research method were employed. The sample consists of 106 medical campus students’ boys and girls who were randomly drawn from various departments of medical campus. The locus of control was measured by using I-E locus of Control questionnaire by J.B. Rotter, the Examination Anxiety wasmeasured by Standardized Questionnaire by Dr. Madhu Agarwal and Varsha Kaushal. The major finding from the study revealed that the level of students’ examination anxiety was low. Also, locus of the control of the majority of first year medical campus students’ was internal than external. This implies that the successes or failures of students’ resulted by their own behaviors possess. In addition, the finding from study portrayed that locus of control and examination anxiety is positively correlated. Moreover, as finding showed, there is the direct relationship between examination anxiety and age, sex of the respondents. Meaning level of students’ examination anxiety influenced by their sex and level of age. On the other hand, the finding of the study represented that there is no relationship between examination anxiety and locality of students. Despite the fact that, the finding of the study cannot be generalized as it was conducted in one single area of the eastern part of Ethiopia. Further it is recommended that detailed study can be conducted in future. Suitable statistical analysis was used and results were discussed.