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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-08
Cyberbullying: The Role of the Participants and Self-esteem among High School Adolescents in Gilgil Sub-County, Kenya
Racheal N. Wanjohi, Professor James Awino, Dr. James Kay
Published: Aug. 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i08.022
Pages: 1638-1649
Cyberbullying consists of numerous identities that can be referred to as cyberbully typologies that address the different roles the individuals in these groups take in regard to cyberbullying. The goal of this study was to explore the different cyberbully typologies in relation to self-esteem. Specifically, this study investigated cyberbullying from four angles (a) what are the prevalence rates in the different cyberbully typologies? (b) Is there age difference in the different cyberbully typologies? (c) Is there gender difference in the different cyberbully typologies? (d) What is the influence of cyberbully typologies on self-esteem? Data was randomly collected from 385 high school students from 6 schools. The instrument composed of the Rosenberg’s [77] self-esteem Scale (RSES) and researcher designed cyberbullying items. The study found cyber bullies spent longer duration online than the other cyberbully typologies. The negative correlation between self-esteem scores and all the cyberbully typologies except for the non-involved is an indication that involvement in cyberbullying behaviours have an influence on the development of self-esteem. The study advocates for more studies on the influence of cyberbullying and psychological wellbeing among the youths in Kenya.