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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-08
A Study of Perceived Quality of Work Life Among Private and Government High School Teachers Working in Madhubani District of North Bihar
Dr. Poonam Singh, Dr. Anis Ahmad
Published: Aug. 30, 2018 |
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i08.024
Pages: 1665-1670
The present investigation was undertaken to see the significance of difference in the extent of perceived Quality of Work Life among Private and Government 10+2 School Teachers who are working in and around Madhubani district of North Bihar. For this inquiry, one hundred twenty high school teachers (N=120) comprising Private School (n=60) and Government School (n=60) were randomly selected from different Private and Government High Schools located in and around Madhubani – a well - known district of North Bihar . Having collected the data through questionnaire schedules, the data were given statistical treatment, which indicated that there is high significant difference between private high school teachers and government high school teachers from where the sample has been drawn, although both the group have indicated favorable inclination towards their Quality of Work Life but private high school teachers were found more prone to their degree of perceived Quality of Work Life than government high school teachers especially in Madhubani district from where the present sample has been drawn.