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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-09
Implication of Public Health Ordinance, Building Regulations and Highway Code on Urban and Regional Planning
Umar Tauheed Ibrahim, Ugwu Lucy Nkeiruka
Published: Sept. 30, 2018 | 319 217
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i09.003
Pages: 1726-1735
Urban planning, also called city and regional planning, is a multidisciplinary field in which professionals work to improve the welfare of persons and communities by creating more convenient, equitable, healthful, efficient, and attractive places now and for the future. one of the contribution of urban and regional planning to public Health is the creation of green space to promote physical activity, social integration, and better mental health; prevention of infectious diseases through community infrastructure, such as drinking water and sewage systems; and protection of persons from hazardous industrial exposures and injury risks through land-use and zoning ordinances. the relationship between urban planning and public health is to increase physical activity, persons need safe and accessible areas; development of these areas can be aided by determining the environmental barriers and facilitators that affect activity levels; designing, constructing, and maintaining community environments to help ensure safety and accessibility; and developing programs to encourage people to use improved community environments to increase their activity levels.