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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-09
Teachers’ Attitude towards Use of ICT in CRE Instruction for Secondary Schools in Bungoma Central Sub-County, Keny
Rosemary Nasambu Watamba, Ruth Iramwenya Andambi
Published: Sept. 30, 2018 | 373 242
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i09.007
Pages: 1758-1763
Despite the overarching need to use Information Communication Technology (ICT) to promote the intellectual qualities of students in secondary schools, most teachers still find it a challenge in its use for instruction in various subjects. Christian Religious Education (CRE) is one such subject through which adoption of ICT in its instruction would enable problem solving, higher order thinking and improved communication among students and teachers. This paper is premised on the findings of a study which sought to investigate teachers’ attitude towards use of ICT in CRE instruction in secondary schools. The study concentrated on Bungoma Central sub-County in Kenya. Using a descriptive survey design and with a target population of 600 teachers, the study sampled 135 respondents consisting of 45 principals and 90 CRE teachers using purposive sampling technique for principals and simple random sampling for CRE teachers. Data was collected using questionnaires and interview schedules. The collected data was organized, coded and analyzed using descriptive statistics then presented in tables by way of frequencies and percentages. The discussions in this paper point to a negative perception presented by teachers on the use of ICT in instruction of CRE. This is attributed to lack of ICT knowledge among the teachers in the studied schools. As such, the paper recommends that teachers should not only be trained to acquire basic ICT knowledge but that the training should be a continuous professional development to keep up with the dynamic ICT developments.