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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-09
Effect of Pranayama on Geriatric Depression: Astudy of Madhubani District of North Bihar
Moni Kumari
Published: Sept. 30, 2018 | 325 217
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i09.008
Pages: 1764-1769
The present piece of research work was intended to see the effect of Pranayama – a kind of yoga on geriatric depression with particular reference to Madhubani district of North Bihar. The study was conducted when it has been observed that most of the aged especially in Madhubani district is suffering from depression and they are unable to go into professional clinic to have treatment from the doctors due to financial constraints. Thus, present investigator tried to solve geriatric depression using Pranayama – a kind of yoga and it has been found that Pranayama is very much useful to get cure from the geriatric depression. In this study, total sample N=100 were selected from different locality of Madhubani district. Subjects’ age were ranged between 60 to 68. Having collected the data by demonstrating Pranayama, it has been found that regular exercise of Pranayama directly affects the human organism and is very much helpful to reduce geriatric depression. Finally, obtained result discussed in detail by highlighting the probable psycho-social reasons.