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Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences | Volume-6 | Issue-09
Sociological Import of Mobile internet Device and Text Jargons: Focus on Students Communication Skills
Dr. Oyeyemi, Sunday O, Omolayo Yusuf Margaret, Hunyinbo Anthony Oluseyi, Salako Olanrewaju Ganiu
Published: Sept. 30, 2018 | 376 224
DOI: 10.36347/sjahss.2018.v06i09.014
Pages: 1815-1819
The rapidly evolving text messaging phenomenon among teenagers and young adults through mobile internet devices is noteworthy. Short messages (SMS) can be of great importance to communication skill, however it can be destructive if not controlled, the implication may lead to student’s failure based on spelling mistakes, poor composition of sentences and expression. As more students worldwide acquire and use mobile internet devices for communication and expressing themselves in text jargons and SMS messaging such situation calls for concern for stakeholders in the education sector. In view of this, effort was made by this study to examine the influence of text jargons through mobile internet devices on student’s communication skills. Two hypotheses were formulated. 150 students from three secondary schools in Ojo Local Government Area were purposively selected as the sample for the study. A self-constructed questionnaire with fifteen items tagged, “Influence of Mobile internet Device and Text Jargons on Students Communication skills” were used to generate data for this study. Split half method of reliability was used to determine the stability and consistency of items in the instrument as a reliability co-efficient value of 0.77 was derived for the Questionnaire showing a positively strong reliability meaning that it’s suitable for the study. Data collected was analysed through the use of Chi-square statistical tool. Based on the outcome of the study, it was recommended that the overbearing influence of text jargons should be controlled from infiltrating to academic classroom teaching and learning process, so as not to ruin student’s grammatical competence.