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Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences | Volume-8 | Issue-03
Shoulder Arthotabes A Rare Cause of Bone Destruction About A Case
M. Tahar, M. Oussama, El. Noufal, S. Sidibé, B. Fawzi
Published: March 30, 2020 | 299 170
DOI: 10.36347/sjams.2020.v08i03.044
Pages: 1032-1034
The current rarity of osteoarticular manifestations of syphilis tends to make people forget certain aspects of the affection and to ignore them. Tabetic arthropathy is due to loss of proprioceptive innervation, causing artificial destruction important circles. Given the difficulty in treating this joint form, prevention based on the management of syphilis at a early stage is essential.